Andalusia, Málaga, Torremolinos
HOTEL GROUND in Torremolinos at a price of 630 /m2ground / ceiling
The plot has an area of 5.713,10 m2 of land, according to the registry description
registry description, Finca 10028/A.- 5.169,02 m2 and Finca 41135.- 544,08 m2.
544,08 m2. Total .- 5.713,10 m2.
The ordinance of application and use is the hotel.
For the execution of the building, the predominant ordinance in the area will be adopted.
predominant in the area, being in this case CJ-3 with a maximum building
maximum buildable area of 0.83 m2t/m2s, to which is added an extra 25% for the
Hotel destination an extra 25% of additional buildable area per floor, which results in a
floor, which results in a building area per floor of 1,420m2un.
1.420m2un, being the total of 5.680m2 of ceiling, the same in a maximum occupancy of 0.45%.
maximum occupancy of 0.45%, which results in 2,570m2 per floor, with a height of 0.45%.
a height of PB+3.
An independent technician has implanted on this site a
scheme where the following details are shown:
1.- That above ground level a block can be built with a total of 54 rooms, 41 of which are
of 54 rooms, being 41 of them of 1 bedroom and the remaining 13 of 2 bedrooms, plus their respective
2 bedrooms, plus their respective reception, hall,
dining room, etc…
2.- That below ground level there are 3 basement floors occupying almost the entire plot.
the entire plot, in this case 5,400 m2) for garage with a capacity of 154 parking spaces per floor.
with a capacity of 154 spaces per floor, giving a total in the 3 floors of 462 parking spaces
floors of 462 parking spaces and the hotel’s own facilities.
Commercial Land, Torremolinos, Costa del Sol.
Garden/Land 5800 m².