Real Estate Advisor

Grzegorz Sobkowiak


Grzegorz has 11 years of sales experience in banking. For years, he was associated with premium customer service – also as a branch director of companies operating on the private banking market. He has been the owner of an architectural company dealing with greenery design for 12 years. Perseverance and ambition are his key to success.


A graduate of the Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning of the Silesian University of Technology in Gliwice. He received a diploma in monument conservation.
He also completed postgraduate studies at the University of Banking and Finance in Katowice in the field of Bank Credit Activities.
He has completed numerous training courses on managing large sales structures and building long-term relationships with clients.


Privately, a travel enthusiast. He has visited 51 countries – the world never ceases to delight him and he plans further trips.
Actively practicing sports – swimming, skiing and fast walking, he has also made 54 parachute jumps from 4,000 meters as an independent jumper.
A healthy lifestyle supported by meditation and the global “5 a.m. club” allows him to calm down and maintain peace in the here and now.

We cooperated with Mr. Grzegorz Sobkowiak from Partners Int. when renting our apartment in Sopot. Mr. Grzegorz is a person of high personal culture with a great sense of customer needs. And what is extremely important, it is characterized by high effectiveness. As a result of his work, we acquired a trustworthy tenant, thanks to which we can feel safe renting our apartment in Sopot. It should also be noted that Partners Int., which also has one of its offices in Sopot, very efficiently provides comprehensive transaction-related services, including providing a dedicated platform for remote signing of contracts for people who do not have a qualified electronic signature
Beata i Piotr
,,Polecam za profesjonalizm i szybkość transakcji. Miałem okazję współpracować z Panem Grzegorzem i jestem pod ogromnym wrażeniem." Źródło: Google
Maciej Wąsik
,,Szczerze polecamy współpracę z Partners International, w szczególności z Panem Grzegorzem Sobkowiakiem. Dzięki jego pomocy nasz pierwszy wynajem mieszkania był przyjemną, szybką i nieskomplikowaną czynnością. Pan Grzegorz przeprowadził nas przez każdy krok, rozpoczynając od prezentacji mieszkania, aż po podpisanie umowy. Z chęcią będziemy wracać!" Źródło:
Patrycja G.
,,Właśnie przeprowadziłem z sukcesem transakcję zakupu mieszkania w Gdyni Orłowie. Mogę gorąco polecić Agencję Partners International i Pana Grzegorza Sobkowiaka, który mnie obsługiwał jako super profesjonalna osobę i firmę, skupioną na każdym szczególe transakcji i co również ważne elastyczną. Można w pełni czuć się, że jest to usługa na poziomie premium."
Jarosław Łukasiewicz


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Primary market

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